About Us

The what, why, and who

What is the Colorado Democracy Challenge?

The Colorado Democracy Challenge is a nonpartisan voter registration drive that works to prepare the next generation to participate in our local democracy, making democracy more accessible to young people by bringing voter registration efforts to their schools. We work with administrators, students and teachers to set up voter registration efforts in high schools to register students to vote.

As a nonpartisan voter registration drive that is certified annually through Colorado’s Secretary of State’s office, we’re able to assist any eligible voter in registering to vote in Colorado—students & teachers alike! Colorado law allows 16 and 17-year-old citizens to pre-register to vote. For young people who pre-register, voter registration automatically activates on their 18th birthday. The Colorado Votes Act passed in 2019, meaning 17 year-olds are now eligible to vote in primaries if they’ll be 18 for the general election. The 2020 primaries will be the first year they can participate.

Why do we care about voter registration?

Colorado prides itself on having one of the highest voter turnout rates in the country! Voter registration is the gateway to civic participation, and it’s important that Colorado’s young people understand the process by which they can register to vote, and cast their ballot once they are eligible. Voter registration is often the biggest hurdle to participation for young people who are new to participating in our democracy, and we aim to demystify the process so that young people are more prepared to get involved.

We are well-versed in all the different obstacles young people face in registering to vote and help students navigate what could be an intimidating process.

The Colorado Democracy Challenge prepares the next generation to continue on the incredible trend of civic participation that is already alive and well in Colorado.

Meet Our Team

These folks are voter registration experts and are passionate
about preparing the next generation to participate in our democracy.

  • Hayley Banyai-Becker
    Hayley Banyai-Becker CODC Coordinator